So the forums and news outlets have been abuzz with two stories lately, one about Representative Anthony Wiener allegedly sending out nudes of himself to strangers…ew…and one about Sarah Palin apparently botching a common-knowledge point of history, much to the delight of the Mainstream Media which has been waiting like a starving panther for its next chance to verbally savage her.     

     Let’s talk about Wiener’s wiener first.  If you haven’t heard yet (although how you couldn’t have at this point is beyond me, New York Representative Anthony Wiener is in deep for sending pictures of himself sporting his birthday suit to not one but several young women, some of whom he had never met. 

     Now, I’m not sure what would compel the man to do this, especially being in the position that he is; surely he realized what would happen if the story ever broke free of his cell phone. 

     Regardless of his reasons, the recently married Congressman now finds himself smack in the middle of a huge sex scandal (I hate to call it “Twitter-gate” because it sounds like something a sophomore in high school came up with) and is feeling pressure from Conservatives (obviously) and a handful of Liberals to resign from his seat and seek professional help. 

     As a side note, Sarah White, the semi-famed naked therapist, has offered him her services.  Maybe it’s exactly what he needs; I don’t have the credentials to comment on experimental forms of psycho-analysis. 

      But either way, the folks calling for his resignation are exactly right on this one.  This really shouldn’t be a partisan issue.  The man clearly has a bit of problem and needs to get it worked out.

      But I’m not even upset about the sex here.  What Anthony Wiener does with his at the expense of a stable marriage is his own business. 

      No, what I’m upset about is the fact that he spent weeks denying it, fabricating stories of hackers and photo-doctoring.  The man lied, plain and simple.  He stood in front of cameras, before viewing audiences of millions of Americans, and he lied to their faces. 

     I ask you, is this someone we want in congress?  Oh sure, I know some folks are going to come after me with “oh, but politicians lie all the time.”  Well, there’s only one reason they do that: because we allow them to.  That’s for another rant though.

     For now, I’ll say this: Wiener should not be in office.  An open liar has no place in law making.  If he has a shred of integrity, he’ll resign, though I’m forced to doubt that he does given the nature of this scandal. 

     The other subject of this rant is Sarah Palin.  Lately, Forums has been abuzz with her comments that Paul Revere warned the British about the Colonials. 

     Within minutes of that comment, Twitter was ablaze with derogatory and sometimes downright sick statements about the woman’s intelligence and status as a human being. 

     But here’s the thing:  What she said was accurate. 

     I majored in history.  My favorite subject of study was 18th century warfare.  I would have made that my focus if JSU had allowed it, but since it didn’t, I had a focus in American history instead. 

     The thing about the college kids on Twitter saying that Sarah Palin should die for her comments is this:  they only know the 15-minute, learned-it-from-my-high-school-history-teacher version.  All they “know” is that Paul Revere rode through Boston yelling “the British are coming!”  Except that’s not what happened. 

      Here’s how it really goes:  Paul Revere (and William Dawes, though he is less pertinent to the topic at hand) was commissioned by Dr. Joseph Warren to warn the locals and leaders of Medford, Somerville, and Arlington that the Royal Army’s regulars were planning to move into the area and attempt to Capture John Hancock and Samuel Adams, two important leaders of the brewing rebellion. 

     Revere went door to door, telling people “the Regulars are coming out.”  He commissioned other riders to help spread the message as well.

     Anyway, he was eventually captured by the British at Lincoln along with William Dawes and Samuel Prescott.  It was here that he warned the British regulars that if they planned to march on Lexington, they would be placing themselves in considerable danger because of the sheer volume of armed rebels in the area. 

      So, Palin was right.  And that doesn’t come from me.  Look it up.  Paul Revere’s Ride by David Hackett Fischer of Oxford is a great place to start.   

     I’m not terribly surprised by the gunshot reaction, though.  It’s certainly not the first time, and it most definitely will not be the last.  And it’s not like my opinion, nor the opinion of an Oxford professor, nor the facts themselves, will change the minds of the die-hard Palin haters.  No, nothing short of Christ Himself appearing to them and confirming the accuracy of her account will do that, and even then I'm not so sure.

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